
NPR's 3-Minute Fiction Contest

Accepting submissions through January 23, so hurry! If I'm a good little writer and finish my final revisions and my crits for the YA group, then I'll try to squeeze in some flash fiction by then.

Here are the details from their website:

"Our contest has a simple premise. We're looking for original, short fiction that can be read in less than three minutes — that's no more than 600 words.

Our judge for Round 6 is novelist and short-story writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She's the author of the critically acclaimed books Purple Hibiscus and Half of a Yellow Sun.

Each round, our judge throws out a challenge for our writers, and Adichie has a good one: At some point in your story, one character must tell a joke. And, one character must cry."

That is quite a challenge--I'm eager to tune in and see what everyone comes up with. Good luck!


Marie Rearden said...

Thanks for the link! This one is a big tricky. :)

Marie at http://marierearden.blogspot.com

Brenda Drake said...

I'm not good at flash fiction, but I so hope you make it and win! Thanks for following me! :D

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