
RTW: Blurbilicious

Road Trip Wednesday is a "Blog Carnival," where YA Highway's contributors and followers post a weekly writing- or reading-related question and answer it on thier blogs. You can hop from destination to destination and get everybody's unique take on the topic.

This week's topic: Give a blurb for your favorite book or one of your own!

Some of the participants are doing blurbs, and some are doing back copy for their books--I'm going to do both. They're both for my YA novel, Spirits from the Vasty Deep.

"Spirits from the Vasty Deep features star-crossed lovers, pirates, comic lines, vengeful ghosts, and a poisoning--a story after my own art." W. Shakespeare

Back copy:
In 1851, Olivia Herald sets a ship afire while escaping its murderous crew—dooming the Empyreal and all hands aboard it. Now their ghosts want retribution, and so do the authorities. With the prospect of a death sentence hanging over her, Olivia must reclaim her forsaken abilities to speak with the dead for a final reckoning with the vengeful spirits. If she fails, she could lose her soul and the way back to the man she loves.


Abby Stevens said...

Blurbilicious! Love the title. ;) Your WIP sounds intriguing.

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

Wow- you packed a lot of punch into just a few lines. Sounds very intriguing!

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Thanks, Abby and KO!

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Now, your back copy has all the elements needed and is short enough to be a query. Well done.

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