
A World of Pure Imagination

Road Trip Wednesday is a "Blog Carnival," where YA Highway's contributors and followers post a weekly writing- or reading-related question and answer it on their blogs. You can hop from destination to destination and get everybody's unique take on the topic.

This week's topic: If you could live within the universe of one book, which would you choose?

The world of Harry Potter seems to be the hands-down favorite today! But I'm breaking out of the pack and picking Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Maybe it's because I ate lunch late, thereby getting really hungry beforehand, but that river of chocolate sounds fantabulous right now. That is, if Augustus Gloop didn't pee in it while he was in there.

And all the candy you could eat! I would only change one thing: if Johnny Depp appears in this world, he should be in his Sparrow-persona rather than his uber-creepy Willy Wonka persona.

So what about you; which world would you pick? And don't forget to enter my contest by Friday!


KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

oooohh I spent a lot of time as a kid wishing for a golden ticket to the factory. Now the lickable wallpaper sounds... umm... a little unsanitary, but at the time I wanted nothing more than to try it.

Alicia Gregoire said...

I loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but watching it hyped up on sugar is a BAD IDEA when you're 10. Just saying.

Rebecca Christiansen said...

Ahhhhh, I really agree with your caveat. Willy Wonka Depp is creepy, but Jack Sparrow... /meltswoonfaintwithlove!

Tracey Neithercott said...

Um, this is an awesome pick. I'd like to live there even if Johnny Depp weren't involved. With him? All the better. Can I get him in his real-life, makeup-free persona?

Angelica R. Jackson said...

I'm not certain Johnny Depp has a real-life make-up free persona--but then I'm obviously not in his inner circle (deleting joke about him getting into my inner circle--bad Angelica!)

beck nicholas said...

Ooooh a river of chocolate - It's nearly lunch here and that's just cruel!!

HowLynnTime said...

Ok You win....chocolate and johnny....dang I picked a desert and you picked dessert! LOL

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Beck: It's always time for chocolate, even allowing for different time zones!

HowLynn: Too bad chocolate melts in the desert, or we could share! Not sharing Johnny though.

HowLynnTime said...

Oh sure...a likely story. can't share your chocy cause it might melt over here in the hot....well I happen to like melty chocolate so I don't believe want to keep johnny and the sweets all to nice or i will share my sand! Lol Ewww not as good of an idea as but ya gotta work with what ya got! hehehe, thanks for the comment!

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