
Know Any Hard-up Writers?

Do you know a children's or YA writer that has a few published books under their belt, but can't quite give up the day job? Perhaps the PEN American Center and its $5,000 Phyllis Naylor Working Writer Fellowship can get them a little closer. The best part is that candidates can be nominated by fellow writers as well as editors.

Who is eligible:
A candidate is a writer of children or young-adult fiction in financial need; candidates have published at least two novels for children or young adults which have been warmly received by literary critics, but have not generated sufficient income to support the author. The writer's books must be published by a U.S. publisher.

I only heard about this one a few days ago, so hurry over to their website and submit the info by February 3rd!
And don't forget to vote on your favorite first line over at the something else to distract me blog. Can you guess which one is mine?


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