
For the month of September, Andrew Karre of Carolrhoda is opening for submissions. Unlike his previous special requests, in which he said, "Bring on your bastards and your unresolved romances," this time his request includes what he is not looking for (because he already has books under these categories):

"Until the end of September, I will be accepting electronic submissions of YA novels with the following exceptions (based not on prejudice so much as on what I've got brewing in the lab already):

1. I'm not considering dysto/post-apocolypto books.

2. If your book can be sung to the tune of a song by The Police, please make sure it's not “Don't Stand So Close to Me.”

3. If your books is more than 60,000 words, please don't send it.

4. Unlike that little kid in the movie, I don't read dead people. No narrators from beyond the grave.

5. If you have superpowers, I have kryptonite. Stay away.

6. I don't do high fantasy. Here there be no dragons."

So if your YA novel fits outside of one of those categories, take advantage of this momentary opening of his mailbox! Good luck, all!


Christina Mercer said...

Boo-Hoo on the no high fantasy...(sure hope that trend comes back around in my lifetime!!)

But onward and upward, as they say. New projects to work on...

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

So sad they don't want dystopia... but I'm feeling nobody wants dystopia right now. Oh well. :0) Carolrhoda seems awesome, nevertheless

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