
What's Your Flavor? A Buffet of Contests

Writer's Digest is not only an invaluable source for improving your craft and keeping up with market news, they also offer contests throughout the year. Their biggest two are annual well-established competitions:

The annual Short Story Competition (in its 12th year) with a maximum of 1,500 words. Any genre, any style, but 1,500 words is challenging! If you're up to it, the entry fee is $20 and the deadline is November 15, with the winners notified by the end of February 2012.

The deadline for the 80th WD Annual Writing Competition has already passed, but the winners will be announced in October, and details for the next competition in November. WD also has competitions for poetry, screen plays, self-published books, and "Your Story" (which uses a writing prompt).

New this year are separate genre short story competitions, with a maximum of 4,000 words. Entries are also $20, with a chance to win up to $1,000. The deadlines for each genre are:

September 15
Science Fiction/Fantasy

October 1
Young Adult Fiction

October 15

October 22

October 31

So start pondering some story ideas now, so that you'll have a finished story by the deadline! I may enter more than one category, just for the challenge of stretching my genres.

What about you--do you find yourself keeping to one genre when you write, or do you write all across the board?

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RAD - Dot Painter said...

Hi Angelica,
You worked your magic over in my neck of the query woods. Thanks for taking all that time to help me.

Have you considered making a little extra $ using your skills out there to write queries for other authors?

Just planting seeds:)
~ Rachel

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Hi, Rachel, glad to help. And maybe that's a way for me to start participating in conferences!

Christina Mercer said...

Oooh, I like that idea. So many writers could use your expertise!

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

Nice list!!

Susan Oloier said...

I wish I was a short-story writer. I really struggle with it, though. Nice list of contests for those who do write them, though.

Unknown said...

Hi! Very cute blog!

I tend to stick to the same genre. I love fantasy. I have written some nonfiction short stories, but when it comes to novels, I tend to stick to fantasy. (Not that I've been doing this long enough to say novelS. I've only written two and the first one never got revised. At all.)

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Susan--short stories must use a similar part of the brain as novels do. I've hardly written any short stories since I've been immersed in my novels.

Nisa--that's great that you write fantasy--sometimes it seems to be dieing out for YA. Still strong in MG, but I don't see as many fantasy titles as I used to.

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