
RTW: Best Book of February

Road Trip Wednesday is a "Blog Carnival," where YA Highway's contributors and followers post a weekly writing- or reading-related question and answer it on their blogs. You can hop from destination to destination through the YA Highway site and get everybody's unique take on the topic.

This week's topic: What was the best book you read in February?

My task is made easier this time around by the puny number of books I read this month. For good reason, though--I was reading some books on writing craft and working on outlining my WIP, Crow's Rest. So the best book I read was the fourth in the Flavia De Luce series:

If you haven't read the series, how could you resist this description from the Flavia website:

"Flavia de Luce has a passion for poisons.

Picture an ancient country house somewhere in England. The year is 1950.

Picture a girl who lives there with her most eccentric family. Her name is Flavia de Luce--and she's almost eleven.

Picture a long-abandoned Victorian chemistry lab; no one ever goes there but Flavia.

Put them all together and you'll have a deliciously original approach to detective fiction."

How could that not be intriguing???

And here's a trailer for all four books:

Happy reading, and I'll see you all on the road!


Laurie Dennison said...

That's one of the most interesting hooks I've read in a while. Sounds really good!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! This sounds great.

Katy Upperman said...

I'm definitely intrigued and those covers are awesome! How have I not heard of these? Thanks for putting them on my radar!

Colin Smith said...

Interesting. I'll have to check these out. :)

Crystal said...

Hmm... that description is enticing! And good luck getting stuff done on your WIP :)

Yael said...

That actually does sound really cool.

Rebecca B said...

I love both eccentric families and chemistry--this one sounds good.

Kate Coursey said...

Thanks for the recommend! I'll have to check it out.

And I have to admit, the entire time I read SPIRITS I was imagining Jesse Williams.

Unknown said...

These sound like fun! I'll definitely check them out.

Elodie said...

Thanks for sharing! They sound great and I´ve never heard about them before :D

beck nicholas said...

As a chem geek in my past the words chem lab had me rather curious. These look great!

Margo Dill said...

Best Book I read in February? slant of light Blank Slate Press

Peggy Eddleman said...

That does sound like an intriguing book! Just like the cover. So unique!

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