Pay It Forward Writing Contest
Posted by
Angelica R. Jackson
Literary agent Janet Reid is closed to queries from 3/1/2012-7/1/2012, but you can still get your manuscript in front of her by entering the Pay It Forward Contest she's running to celebrate the release of Liz Norris's debut novel, Unraveling.
Here are the rules from Ms. Reid's site:
The contest is open to American writers who are not published in novel-length form (published includes self-published) and who are not represented by an agent.
The prize is:
1. Registration for the Backspace Writing Conference in NYC (May 24-26)
2. Hotel for three nights (Thurs, Fri, Sat)
3. Travel stipend of $300
4. Lunch with Liz Norris' agent
The winner will be announced on publication day for UNRAVELING by Liz Norris: Tuesday April 24, 2012.
Here's how to enter:
1. EMAIL your query letter and your finished novel to Janet@fineprintlit.com
The subject line must be: Liz Norris Pay It Forward Contest entry.
The query must be in the body of the email.
The novel must be an attachment in .doc form
2 SEND between March 1, 2012 and March 15, 2012. Entries received before or after those dates will not be considered.
Go here for full rules and eligibility. Good luck to those who brave the shark and enter the contest!
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