
Stipends for Starving Writers

Some of the freelance markets have dried up in the last few years, victims of the economy's impact on readers' disposable income. That means there aren't as many good magazines to read, but the flip side is that there aren't as many opportunities for freelance writers to sell their work.

As a result, you might find that you want or need to supplement your writing income in other ways. Contests, grants, and fellowships can be good sources of funds, as long as you know what you're getting into (what are the entry fees, do you retain rights to your work, will your work be tied up for the entire judging period, etc). Here are a few opportunities that don't involve entry fees:

Fellowship for Creative and Performing Artists and Writers

"The American Antiquarian Society (AAS), a national research library and learned society of American history and culture, is calling for applications for visiting fellowships for historical research by creative and performing artists, writers, film makers, journalists, and other persons whose goals are to produce imaginative, non-formulaic works dealing with pre-twentieth-century American history.

"Successful applicants are those whose work is for the general public rather than for academic or educational audiences. The Society's goal in sponsoring this program is to multiply and improve the ways in which an understanding of history is communicated to the American people."

If this sounds like you, go to the AAS link above and apply by October 5 to be eligible for a stipend of $1350-1850

Real Simple's 4th Annual Life Lessons Essay Contest

Enter Real Simple’s fourth annual Life Lessons Essay Contest by September 15 and you could:

*Have your essay published in Real Simple

*Win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors

*Receive a prize of $3,000

Entries must be no more than 1,500 words and address the theme "When did you first understand the meaning of love?"

Good luck, everyone, if you decide to get into the running for either of these! You could see a tremendous return on the cost of postage (or no postage at all, in the RS contest since it's email entry) and your time.

Clipart from


David P. King said...

Hey! Essay! I'll have to check out the details on this. Thanks for posting this, and for following me.

I gave you a shout-out on my blog! :)

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