I've been on a bit of a Holly Black binge, mainly because I stumbled across White Cat at the library and liked it so much that I hunted down some more of her titles(Tithe and Valiant are still in the TBR pile), including its sequel Red Glove. I loved the characters and alternate world she created for these two; a good read for boys, too.
The next book is Enchanted Ivy by Sarah Beth Durst, and I stumbled on this video so why not let her tell you about it?
And lastly, I mowed through Zombies vs. Unicorns in a day. And, strangely, it took another week before I had a zombie-filled nightmare. Mmm, that sounds like a delicious snack cake: Zombie-Filled Nightmare! Now with spongey cake! Pardon me, you have some raspberry filling around your mouth . . .
A bit stir crazy?:)
That, or reading that many zombie/unicorn stories in a row reprograms your brain.
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