
I've been so caught up in revisions that I haven't been able to stay on top of contests and such like I used to, sorry!

The KP Prize has a postmarked deadline of June 30, but since you can submit novel excerpts as well as short fiction, I'm going to post the details anyway. There just might be someone out there who has the perfect story or stand-alone excerpt ready to go! So here are the details from their contest page:

*One overall first place winner receives $1,000 and publication!
Three runners-up receive $100 each. One runner-up from the YA (young adult) entries, one from the Middle Grade entries, and one from the Picture Book or Writing for Young Children entries chosen.

*$20 entry fee.

*Entries must be postmarked by June 30th

*Submit one story or novel excerpt up to 10,000 words. You may include a synopsis if your entry is an excerpt, but an excerpt should still work as a stand-alone piece

*Work must be original, written in English, and previously unpublished

*Your name or address should not appear anywhere on the work

*Once submitted, entries cannot be altered

*All entries will be considered for general publication as well as for the Katherine Paterson Prize (My MG short story, Hornworms, was published in Hunger Mountain and it was a genuine pleasure to work with the editorial staff)

*No artwork, or translations please

*Multiple entries allowed—each entry must include a separate entry fee

*Winners will be announced in September

This year's judge is Kimberly Willis Holt. Good luck to everyone who enters!


Theresa Milstein said...

I hope you're revisions are going well. Thanks for the link!

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Thanks, Theresa! I alternate between days of "wow, I did some good work today!" and "wow, that was a waste of time--back to the drawing board!"

I promised them by mid-July though, so I'm really feeling the heat (and that's not just because the temperature outside jumped 15 degrees in the last few days).

Anonymous said...

Angelica--you do such a good job of keeping up with contests. You are the "Contest Queen!"

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Thank you, Alison, for making me feel redeemed from the shame of posting this one so late!

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