
And now, a special guest to help announce the winner of a signed copy of Through Endangered Eyes: a poetic journey into the wild by Rachel Allen Dillon from last Monday's interview and giveaway:

The tiger says, "The winner is melodycolleen!" Unfortunately, she neglected to leave her email address so that I could contact her for a mailing address. If you know melodycolleen, ask her to email me at strikingnotes(at)yahoo(dot)com so I can send her book! She has until July 4 to contact me, and if I don't hear from her I'll draw another name.

And to everyone else who entered, thanks for stopping by and sorry we couldn't give copies to all of you!


Christina Mercer said...

Love the special guest and congrats to Melody!

Melanie said...

Aw crudsville! I didn't realize you ran this contest! I would have loved to have gotten a copy of that. My girls love looking at and reading books about animals.

Anyway, congrats to Sarah (if she ever claims her prize)!

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Did you give away your copy too Christina? I had to buy another one from Rachel because I gave mine as a last-minute gift.

Deirdra, thanks for the award! Love the artwork; I'll have to take a look at my revamped web pages and see where I can fit it.

Melanie --your girls would love this book! The artwork is great, and the poems stimulate all kinds of questions and enjoyment.

Unknown said...

Love the tiger gif! Lots of fun. Congrats to Melody on her prize.

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