Newspaper Writeup for Capturing The Castle

My local newspaper, The Mountain Democrat, interviewed me and featured Capturing The Castle on May 26th:

"In “Capturing the Castle” Jackson’s color and black and white photographs show both Preston’s unique architecture and the types of living arrangements used for staff and wards. Ornately carved corbels and archways vie with the Spartan utility of the basement baths; ivy crawls up walls studded with hundreds of windows."--The Mountain Democrat

You can read the entire article online here and the writeup came out in time for several people to also come to my signing at Preston Castle on the 27th.

I had a great time talking to everyone about Preston Castle and my book! Plus, 30% of the proceeds from that day went directly to the Preston Castle Foundation, and they'll be carrying it in the gift shop starting next week.

Now, on to finishing the editing for the Faerie Crossed novels so they can also hit the bookshelves!


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