
The Crow's Rest Blog Hop Kicks Off Today!

To celebrate the release of Crow's Rest on May 12, there's a bloghop kicking off today! You can read an excerpt featuring Avery's spooky encounters at Warren Castle, and we've encouraged the participants to share their own ghostly (or other strange) encounters, too.

And, there's a Rafflecopter to enter! You could win a signed copy of Crow's Rest, signed bookmarks, and/or swag. Go to a participating blog to enter. And don't forget you can still enter the Goodreads Giveaway until May 24!

Here's where you can find the bloghop stops:

Monday, May 11

Katrina at Bookish Things & More
S.M. Johnston and E.L. Wicker on Down Under Wonderings
Cassandra Sparks will be sharing on Facebook and other social media sites
Robyn Chause on A Ponderance of Things

Tuesday, May 12

I'll be posting on Operation Awesome
Laurie Dennison will share on her website
Alia on One Way or An Author

Wednesday, May 13

 Karen McCoy at The Writer Librarian
Zili at Zili in the Sky
Sneha at Devouring Books

Thursday, May 14

Raychelle Steele at Steele Reviews

There will also be some folks joining in on Twitter and other social media, so look for the #CrowsRest hashtag to find those. Make sure to check in with each stop and see what sinister stories they have to share!

Plus, if you would like to participate, you still can--just leave your own story in the comments on any stop, or go to the Crow's Rest Facebook page and look for the post where you can comment. Thanks so much for the support, everybody!


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